Bulletin Board

Contact Numbers & Links

*To report streetlight problems be ready to provide the closest street address and pole number, if available.



Click here

Fairfield Municipal Authority

The Fairfield Municipal Authority is an independent entity that provides water and sewer service to the Borough and some portions of Hamiltonban Township. Their email address is fairfieldmunicipal@comcast.net. The office phone number is 717-642-6557. Please click the link below to view the 2023 Water Quality Report.

2023 Consumer Confidence Report


Fairfield Borough residents having a yard sale at any time during the year must register each event with the Borough office. There is NO FEE. Just call or email the office (fairfieldborough.com) with yard sale date(s), property address, contact name, phone number and/or email address. Questions? Call 717-642-5640

The burn ban for the Borough of Fairfield has been lifted effective 11/25/24.

Holiday Home Decorating Contest

 Wednesday, December 11th at 5:30 p.m. judging will take place for the 2nd Annual Holiday Decorating Contest.  Cash prizes will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place donated by anonymous Christmas elves.  Winners will be posted here, on the Borough website and on the Village Hall bulletin board after December 15th.  All themes and decorating styles will be judged throughout the Borough, so get CREATIVE with your decorations this year!


For more information click here


Fairfield Borough Quarterly Newsletter

Click the link to view the 2024 Oct Borough Newsletter


The front room of the Village Hall at 108 West Main Street has been the home to many events including baby showers, wedding showers, birthday parties, family dinners, memorial services, concerts, meetings, music jams, plant exchanges, Christmas parties, and more. Add your event to the list! Tables and chairs are available for use, and bathrooms are handicap-accessible. If you live outside Fairfield Borough limits, rental rates are $75.00 for up to six hours of use and $100 for over six hours. If you are a Fairfield Borough resident, rental rates are $60.00 for up to six hours of use and $75.00 for over six hours. Click below for the rental agreement and floor plan.

Fairfield Village Hall Rental Agreement rev 10-24

Fairfield Borough Village Hall layout - Not To Scale

We hope you will find this bulletin board page an easy place to get information about  municipal services and to discover new things about your municipality.  If you have suggestions for items to include, please email the Borough secretary at borofairfieldpa@comcast.net or call the Borough office and leave a message at 717-642-5640.

Working on your behalf for the good of all.

Your Council, Mayor, and Secretary/Treasurer


All information provided by third parties and their websites are the sole and separate comments, publications, omissions, and commissions of the third parties involved.  Fairfield Borough does not warrant any statements made by the respective third parties or their submissions or publications.  We do not control those sites and will not be responsible for removing or editing the work, offers or statements contained thereon.  We do reserve the right to discontinue any third party information and/or advertisements appearing on our website.